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Social Learning Software, The Digital Problem Solver, Gets Great Review

When we introduced our new social learning software, we hoped it would be a popular and helpful education for autism app. The Social Express, currently a 16-lesson social learning software program, has been so well received! We are gratified and extremely humbled.

We’re hugely grateful for the wonderful support shown to us by the autism community. Gary James, founder of the apps review and community website, Apps for Children with Special Needs is one of the many autism community members that have provided helpful reviews of The Social Express to assist parents. These reviews also help with our mission to help kids on the autism spectrum improve their lives with social learning software.

According to a recent article in the Washington Daily News about Gary James,

“Gary is committed to helping the families of children with special needs and the wider community of educators and therapists who support them by producing videos that demonstrate how products designed to educate children and build their life skills work from a user’s perspective.”

The Washington Daily News article reported how Gary helped one mother and her young son with autism. The mom applied for a free iPad to Apps for Children with Special Needs for her son. As a result, James Pollard, a young child with autism, was overjoyed when he received an iPad from Gary James’ company, Apps for Children with Special Needs.

Please visit the Apps for Children with Special Needs and join his supportive community. You can find it here,

The Digital Problem Solver (DPS) originally appeared in The Social Express™ as a tool for the characters to use to identify emotions and coping strategies.

Parents quickly requested a real DPS to use outside of the social learning software. So we did just that!

This practical device allows the user to identify how they are feeling by choosing from a selection of emotions. Once they have made a selection, the self-regulation process continues, as they then select a coping strategy.

We have taken the DPS one step farther by allowing you to insert your own photos. Gary demonstrates how to customize My Digital Problem Solver for your child in his video review.

You can watch the video review of My Digital Problem Solver social learning software by clicking here:

You can also join the amazing A4CWSN special needs community on Facebook. Today it has well over 13,000 fans! Just click here:


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