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Teachers and Students of California: Samantha


“My bubble was bursted. No matter what was happening in their lives or at school, the students knew they could come to me and I’d be there to listen. I would talk to them. They would always try to come to school and if they weren’t doing their homework we would work together to find out why. I feel that they (the students) need to have that loving, caring place – almost like being a family – because you don’t know where these kids are coming from. You don’t know where they wake up. You don’t know what happens in their life. You’re not walking in their shoes at that moment. But if they have somewhere safe then it can start. It can build their security and make them feel empowered, and want to come to school,and want to do work. And you can build up from there.”

Samantha is one of the twenty-six thousand teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District that deal with chronic absenteeism in K-12 classrooms. The teacher turnover rate is almost 40-50 percent according the and that equates to approximately $2.2 billion in funding that is lost per year.

CoolSchool Central offers a solution. It Changes Futures.

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