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Autism Help for Parents: Websites for Buying a Used iPad

The iPad has certainly proven itself valuable when it comes to helping parents, teachers and professionals who work with children on the autism spectrum.

The recent 60 Minutes television show that aired called “Apps for Autism” demonstrated again how useful iPads are for kids in our community. It was a great reminder for me. In case you missed the show, here’s a link to some segments of the 60 Minutes episode.

We love using learning programs for our twins with autism on the iPad. It has been a game changer for us.

Autism Help for Parents on a Budget

It seems to me that every family on a tight budget these days. We’re all in the mode of making our dollars stretch as far as possible. Maybe you’ve been thinking about getting a used iPad for your child with autism.

So, we put together a list of popular websites that you can check out if you’re looking to purchase a used iPad.

Note: We’re not experts on this topic and aren’t endorsing any of these websites. We know you’re all crazy-busy parents of children who need lots of help and support. We like trying to find ways to offer help for parents.

Here you go. If you’ve got any other suggestions about websites for buying used iPads, let us know!

As you’d expect, the big, well known websites also offer used or refurbished iPads for sale. Including Apple itself.

Apple store online.  Search this website for buying a refurbished iPad.

This description of refurbished products is from Apple’s website.

Apple Certified Refurbished:

Fast, free shipping on all refurbished products.
We test and certify all Apple refurbished products and include a 1-year warranty.
All refurbished iPad models also include a brand new battery and outer shell.

Amazon offers refurbished iPads for sale. We did a search on used iPads and this is what we found:  Click here.

Best Buy, has a website that you can purchase used and refurbished iPads, called Cow Boom

Craigslist. You can find hundreds of used iPads for sale if your city has a Craigslist. Here is a link for a recent search on Craigslist for Los Angeles.

Ebay. Of course, there’s always eBay if you’re into bidding for products. Our search resulted in this listing:
You can see a list of all of Ebay’s iPads available for sale here

Instant Ebay according to an article on, Instant Ebay offers a 30-day return policy, unlike many of the online sites selling used iPads.   So you can return it if it quits working within the 30 days. Nice option!
Here is the link to Instant Ebay Sale, is another site offering used tablets and iPads. a recent search for “used iPads” on this site turned up over 63,000 results. Plenty to choose from here!

What to Look for When Buying a Used iPad

This is a useful blog post on Ecoustics website about what to look for when buying a used iPad. It offers some great tips.

They point out that if you’re not really set on getting the absolute latest technology, you can save money by buying a used iPad.

If you’re buying from Craigslist, make sure you know the seller well. It’s hard to really test the iPad in a few minutes before you pay for it. And like with anything you’re buying, be sure to shop around and be sure you’re getting a good deal.

Let us know if you have any favorite websites for finding good quality used iPads. We’ll add them to the list!

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