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Help us celebrate #SELDay 2021

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March 25, 2021

2:00-3:00 pm ET

Social Emotional Learning:

Foundations and Integration Strategies

This webinar is designed to provide participants with a different focus on social emotional learning, emphasizing SEL as a foundation for all success, both social and academic. As we explore SEL as a building block, we will uncover strategies to transform environments with strategies that make sense and focus on success for everyone. Most importantly we will address the latest round of  Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III funding) and how to ensure your plan addresses social emotional learning.


Who should attend?

 Anyone working with Pre-K-12th grade students – teachers, administrators, counselors, parent leaders

The Social Express

The Social Express has been focused on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Career Path Exploration and Life Readiness since 2010. Our cloud based animated programs use clever interactive simulations to teach learners how to be successful in life. Thousands of teachers worldwide are using The Social Express to help students feel less socially isolated and learn how to interact in our very social world. Now in 2021, given the reality of COVID19 pandemic quarantines and school closings, students need opportunities to learn how to relate to each other. Now, more than ever, we need to prioritize SEL and our students’ mental health.

PRESENTER: Karen Allen

Lifelong Educator and Trauma Informed Practices Advisor

Karen Allen has been an educator for over 20 years in the San Francisco Bay Area. After over 10 years in the classroom, Karen shifted her focus to supporting teachers as a curriculum specialist, and then later as a School Principal in Alternative Ed programs in Marin County, CA. Karen served as the Coordinator for the Marin County Office of Education’s Foster and Homeless Youth Education programs. Karen continues to be a lifelong education leader in Marin County and beyond, supporting teaching and learning communities through trauma informed practices and social emotional learning.



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