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Help Kids with Autism on Light It Up Blue Day with Autism Speaks

Today my family and The Social Express team is excited to be a partner in the Light It Up Blue campaign hosted by Autism Speaks. We join the over 26,000 people who have pledged to shine a light on #autism by raising awareness.

For the last few years we’ve been waking up every day focused on helping our kids with autism and your kids with autism. Our specific goal is to help kids and young adults on the autism spectrum to improve their social skills.

That’s why we’ve invested so much time and resource to develop our 16-lesson interactive program, TheSocialExpress. The program helps children with autism, Asperger’s and ADHD to think about and manage social situations.

The Social Express is offering a special discount, only for today, April 2, 2012 in honor of the global, Light It Up Blue campaign.

Please join us to help kids with autism worldwide and pledge your support to the Light It Up Blue campaign. Find more information by clicking here,

To see how The Social Express helps kids with autism, visit this link for an interview with a family using The Social Express. Click here for interview.


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