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Program Helping Kids with Autism Improve Social Skills

Here is a great video interview about The Social Express done a few days ago with a mom with three kids with autism. Click this link to view the video. The mom likes how her daughters ask to work with the social learning program. The family lives in North Carolina and the busy mom shares how much energy her five kids have. Sound familiar? It does to us!

According to Holler, iPad apps are are beneficial because children enjoy them and it keeps them focused.

This is what the mom of kids with autism had to say about The Social Express:

“The fact that they’re asking for it and enjoy playing on it, to me, is a positive and it’s showing that it’s effective,” said Holler.

I’m also interviewed briefly here. Check it out and let us know what you think. We’re so happy when other parents find that their kids with autism are asking to work with The Social Express. As a social learning program, it’s great for working with your kids with autism in between therapy sessions.

Here’s the link to view the video. (There’s a short commercial in front of it.)



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