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San Diego Walk Now for Autism Speaks Was a Great Event!


San Diego Walk Now for Autism Speaks

Our family had an awesome time at the San Diego Walk Now for Autism Speaks on Saturday, October 6. The twins were overjoyed that the organizers had arranged for a jumpy! They had a great time because jumpys are a big favorite with our boys. It was not easy to get them to get off of the jumpy…

So, the twins’ second favorite activity (after the jumpy) of the day was drawing…

San Diego Walk Now for Autism Speaks

Maybe drawing was so cool that day, because they’d just walked 2 miles. And they were tuckered out. They could sit down. Which was fine with their mom and me!

The San Diego Walk Now for Autism Speaks turnout was really big. Safe to say, a great time was had by all. There were tons of families.

Walk Now for Autism Speaks San Diego

You can click to the Facebook page for Autism Speaks San Diego for lots more pictures. Click here for their Facebook page.

I enjoyed talking to the other parents and all the exhibitors. San Diego has such great people and kids!

The Walk was held at the beautiful, historic Liberty Station Park. It’s located near San Diego Harbor and was originally the site for the United States Naval Training Center for new recruits.  Like a lot of historic buildings in San Diego, Liberty Park has many restored buildings that are in the Spanish style of architecture.

According to the history on Liberty Station’s website, from 1923 until the 1990’s, thousands of US Navy recruits were trained here. It also says that San Diego is home to one-sixth of the US Navy’s entire fleet!

The boys were disappointed that they missed out on the face painting at the Walk. It was over by the time we arrived. Oops. Better planning next time.

If you’d like to check out where the next Autism Speaks Walk is happening near your home, click over here. They keep a handy list of upcoming walks.

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