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The Social Express App Now Available for Windows 8

Expands Opportunity for Educators to Help Autistic Students Learn Social Skills

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) May 16, 2014

Windows ProductsThe Language Express®, makers of engaging, online interactive programs for students learning social skills, is pleased to announce The Social Express® App is now available in the Windows Store. Social Express software is designed to teach children and young adults with high functioning autism and other special needs how to manage social situations, helping them to develop meaningful social relationships and succeed in life.

The award-winning program has recently expanded its content and moved to an online SaaS subscription model. As with its original release, The Social Express uses relatable characters and video modeling to provide a visual model of targeted behaviors and skills. The Social Express aligns with Common Core Standards and supports educators who are teaching K-6 children how to think about and manage social situations with tools and reports.


“Our approach at The Social Express is to leverage technology to create digital content and curricula that is easy-to-use, fun and engaging,” said Marc Zimmerman CEO/Founder of The Social Express. “We are truly proud of this collaboration with Microsoft, as our new app will increase our reach to additional Windows 8 devices, integrate fully with Office 365, and make it easier for educators to help their students learn social skills.”

Microsoft has long been committed to developing innovative accessibility solutions for students of all ages and all abilities which is why we are excited to support The Social Express app that will allow educators to create a truly immersive, personalized learning experience for students with autism,” said Margo Day, vice president, U.S. Education, Microsoft Corp. “We know that communication is the most in-demand skill for jobs of today and in the future and this app will enable students with the inter-personal skills they will need to communicate effectively and succeed in the future.”

Since launching in November 2011, The Social Express has received supportive testimonials from across the globe. Hundreds of stories of progress and success have poured in from Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), behaviorists, educators and parents.

For third quarter, 2014, The Social Express will expand its learning content to include e-books, workbooks for educators as well as additional Webisodes addressing social skills.

About The Language Express, Inc.:
The Language Express®, founded by parents of autistic twins in 2011, is a privately held company based in Encinitas, California. The company develops The Social Express® and other interactive social skills software and learning management systems. The company’s mission is to help special needs children with social-emotional deficits to improve their lives. The company’s video modeling social skills learning programs help children with ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s, and related disorders to improve their interactions with others. Visit the company at

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