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The Social Express Is Top Education App on Autism Awareness Day


A big thank you to the community of kids with autism and the AutismSpeaks, Autism Awareness Campaign!

The Social Express learning app for kids with autism was number 1 yesterday at the iTunes app store.

We loved being a part of the Light It Up Blue program.

Helping Your Kids with Social Awareness

We realized early that our twins with autism needed help learning social awareness. From the first time a therapist used her laptop in a session, we saw our sons’ interest in using technology to learn.


The problem was that the content of the programs didn’t hold our boys’ interest. Have you ever experienced that feeling? When you know your kids with autism could really benefit from a learning tool, but they’re just not into it?

That’s the day we began to talk about developing a learning program that kids on the autism spectrum would relate to. Kids like ours.


Social Skills Help Between Therapy Sessions

Our goal was to create a learning program that we could use with our kids after sessions with their therapist.  A program that our kids would enjoy. One that would grab their attention.

And keep them engaged long enough to learn the all-important social interaction lessons. The lessons we knew they really needed in order to get along better with other children.

We believed that if we had this problem other parents of kids with autism did too.

So The Social Express was born. We’re so happy that other parents and kids with autism can improve their lives after using The Social Express.

That’s also why we’re thrilled that The Social Express was Number 1 on iTunes on Light It Up Blue day! It means so many more kids with autism will enjoy learning social skills with The Social Express.

We’d love to hear your comments! What works for you when helping your kids with autism learn social skills?

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