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Techie Tuesday – The Social Express

Momma’s Time
Faith, Family, Autism and so much more…
A stay-at-home mom with an opinion on just about everything!

Techie Tuesday – The Social Express

One of the best apps I have purchased and placed on my son’s iPad has got the be The Social Express.  This is hands down the most amazing social skills app I have found and it was worth every penny I paid.  And yes, it is expensive, but when it comes to helping my son I made a choice to suck it up and bring on the big guns… And this app is the big guns!

Now I know the first question in your mind is how much did it cost so before I tell you that I want you to know that there is a lite version you can try for FREE to make sure that the app suits your needs before purchasing it.

As for the full version, well, it is $89.99.

Don’t freak out!  Take a look at this video and see what the app is about…

Incredible, huh?  Just the graphics alone are amazing, but what’s inside is a fantastic world of social skills adventure just waiting to be tapped into.

I’ve been using the app for a couple of weeks now with my son and it has proven itself over and over again.  The app has 16 lessons and over 30 scenes with two different skill levels to choose from.  With lessons, teaching tips, and printables (all included in the app) I am able to create actual social skills lessons that go right along with things we are working on in therapy – it’s reinforcement at its finest!

If you have a kid like mine that struggles daily with his social world then this app may be something you’d like to look into.  Being an Aspie, my son just doesn’t get those social cues that so many of us take for granted.  This app helps to teach him proper reactions to situations and to teach him how to look at body language in a situation to tell how people are feeling and how it might be best to proceed in a given situation.  It’s an amazing teaching tool and because it is so vibrant and interactive my son is happy to do the lessons and has been fully engaged every time we open the app.

I can’t praise The Social Express enough!  If you’d like to learn more you can visit their site here:

*This post is my opinion. I purchased the app for $89.99 from the iTunes App Store and I use it with my son regularly. I received NO compensation for this post.

Posted by Momma Gone Crazy

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