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Video Modeling as a Powerful Educational Tool

As technology begins to play a significant role in the education system, video modeling becomes the new and enhanced way of teaching, transforming learning into an interactive and engaging model that motivates students to learn, increasing their comprehension of the subject. Unfortunately, there is still some headway to be made. Critics of the system, claim otherwise. Researchers, however, are working hard to prove the beneficial mechanics of the video modeling system.

A study conducted by Multimedia University and Daffodil International University at the primary school Ahsania Mohila Mission High School in Dhaka, Bangladesh tested these statements. Students were taken and divided into three sections: traditional learning, visual learning, and blended learning. These three groups were taught about the solar system according to their technique, and then tested on their comprehension and attention to the subject matter. The results of this study showed that the students were “enthusiastic” about learning, and wanted to see “more” of the video, when it was stopped.

The results of the study varied as such:

  • In a traditional learning environment, eleven students gave 6-10 correct answers
  • In the video modeling system, fourteen students gave more than 5 correct answers
  • In the blended learning environment, most of the students gave 11-15 correct answers

As you can see, one significant difference is defined within the blended learning environment, where the students were exposed to the video modeling system of the solar system, as well as teacher facilitation of the material. These results are further supported by a claim, also the basis of this study, made by Rebeka Lukman , who studied “non-traditional learning methods,” suggesting that there is no difference between “face-to-face” learning and the “online system,” other than discussion facilitation. 

Not only did these children learn, but they also had fun and played along the way, engaging the children’s attention, but also making them feel more involved in the classroom. A study by Yigal Rosen , on the “effects of an animation based on-line learning environment” affirmed this outcome.  Rosen gathered four hundred and eighteen, 5th and 7th grade students for the duration of a 2-3-month study. These students then participated in a once a week, video-modeling lesson based on science and technology. The study examined the following questions:

  1. “What is the effect of the environment on transfer of knowledge, within the context of science and technology learning?”
  2. “What is the effect of the environment on motivation for science and technology learning?”

These students were then asked six questions based upon the “earth and space or materials and their properties,” and then given a short questionnaire to test the amount of interest the children showed in learning more about the subject with statements such as “I enjoy learning science and technology”, reporting on scale of 1-5, with “1= strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree.” The results of this study showed that children were not only interesting in learning about science and technology, but they changed their perception on the idea of learning, itself.

Video Modeling and Social Emotional Learning

However, the reach of video modeling is not limited to academics. Students can also benefit in grasping ideas that are a bit more abstract, such as emotional learning – becoming more confident and empathetic.

One study, by researchers at Texas Tech University, tested this statement. Researchers gathered “127 preschoolers between the ages of 2 to 6, plus one parent per child,” with “two-thirds” of the group being students from low-income families. These participants were then divided into four groups.

1.Children who watched “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood” with their parent/guardian, and then continued to discuss the topics

2. Children who watched the show with their parents, but did not partake in discussion

3. Children who watched the show by themselves, without discussion

4. Children who watched a documentary on nature

The students were then presented with two sets of puppets and asked to point to the one they relate to the most, with statements, such as “I am good at making friends” or “I am not good at making friends” being attributed to them, and tested on their “empathy, emotional recognition and self-efficacy.” Results showed that the students that benefited the most were the children with “regular parent-child communication” about television. This statement is also true for children of poverty, as well as their parents, who benefit from learning socio-emotional skills they may have missed out on, due to a generational history of poverty. Just as children are able to identify themselves within these young characters and their new experiences, the parents are also able to model their own behavior to the adult characters in the show

These benefits continue to affect another group of children who may have problems developing their social and emotional skills, children on the autism spectrum. This is due to the design of each episode, basing its foundation on learning “a skill or experience,” by demonstrating a skill and then asking the child to partake in the experience. This was tested in a study conducted on “two high-functioning 5-year-old boys with ASD,” where they were each asked to watch Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, without any adult intervention, and observed their replication Daniel’s skill set. The results showed both of the boys attempted and succeed in carrying out the steps by Daniel, in this case, trying a new food, reinforcing the results of the other studies by showing how video modeling enhances learning and builds a critical foundation in aiding children to form cognitive and social functioning.

This set of research proves how technological advancement, such as video modeling, can help further the learning process of children and engage them in ways where traditional learning falls short.  There appears to be sufficient evidence to warrant further exploration of how video modeling can play a powerful role in General Education, especially in elementary and early childhood education.

About Us

Cool School, by The Social Express, is the next generation of Social Emotional Learning and Anti-Bullying solutions.  Cool School was developed by psychologists and is based on proven video modeling techniques, which engage students while providing a safe place for students to learn how to communicate effectively.

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