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Welcome to Their World Blog Posts

Thank you to blogger and Mom Mandy  Nite creator of Welcome to Their World  for this inspiring post on how The Social Express is helping their family.

The Social Express

The Social Express by The Language Express, Inc is a wonderful app for social skills. This app has to be the top social app I’ve seen on the market. This app has everything imaginable about social skils learning except for the live person!!! This app is amazing for children with ADHD, Autism, and Asperger’s. This app teaches your child how to manage social situations and how to deal with stressful ones too. The Social Express is available on the Ipad, PC, and the Mac. The graphics of this app are amazing and the sound is perfect. The price might seem high but once you try the app (which you can do on their website) you will see why immeditatly. The Social Express app has 16 lessons that are all interactive with 30 scenes and 2 levels of play. Level 1- is for younger users and/or children that have a significant difficulty understanding of social skills and level 2- is for children that have understanding of social skills just not sure how to use them correctly in the real-world. Each level will end with a review and a key that will unlock the Clubhouse at the end. This app has been a magic worker for my almost 8yr old daughter and I plan on starting my 6yr old son on it too. I used my 8yr old to test out the app and she is currently on level 1 and we are about half of the way through. She is starting to use what she learned in the app in the real-world and I’m amazed everyday by the progress made. She has significant social skill problems in that she has high functioning autism and selective mutism and ADHD. She has even started to talk with other children one on one slowly with a little prompting and a few reminders of social skills but is getting the hang of it. I could go on and on about this wonderful app but I will leave the rest for you to learn about on their website with a few key points below:

Here’s some of the info right from their website about this app

The 16 interactive lessons target a comprehensive set of skills, including:
● Joint Attention
● Identifying Emotions
● Problem Solving
● Conversational Skills
● Self-Regulation – Coping Strategies
● Reading Non-Verbal Cues
● Sequencing
● Perspective Taking – Theory of Mind
● Understanding Figurative Language in Conversations

The Social Express features five sets of Printables comprising 17 total pages. The Printables include:
● Achievement Certificates, personalized with the user’s name and presented at the completion of a skill level
● Character Profiles of all the main characters in the software, including a blank template for drawing and writing “Things I Know About” details regarding people the user knows in real life
● Hidden Social Keys for Being Part of a Group, including a blank template that can be used to list the Hidden Social Keys for additional real-world locations and situations
● Feelings, including eight feelings and three blank templates for drawing and writing additional feelings
● Coping Strategies, including 12 coping strategies and three blank templates for writing additional coping strategies
All Printables can printed out individually, by set, or in total. Many of the Printables feature high-quality artwork that can be colored in by the user, and some can even be cut apart and bound into booklets.

How Will Children with Social Learning Challenges Benefit?

As a safe, controlled, and familiar learning environment, The Social Express provides an opportunity for users to become more socially competent and have successful social interactions.
Potential benefits include the ability to:
● Identify feelings in others
● Understand the importance of “eye contact” (thinking with your eyes) in order to figure out what to say or do in social situations
● Read non-verbal social cues
● Identify appropriate coping strategies
● Learn how to start conversations
● Learn how to be part of a group
● Learn about the hidden rules in social situations
● Sequence situations and infer what will come next
● Figure out what to talk about with friends
● Monitor when others are using appropriate social behaviors
● Learn about using figurative language (idioms) in conversation
● Stay on topic when having conversations
● Watch social situations unfold and see how behavior can have negative or positive consequences

Highly Highly Highly recommended app!!!!!/pages/The-Social-Express-Interactive-Software/191570134257222?sk=info

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