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Appsmitten Says: Social Skills Software is ‘In a Class of It’s Own’


Practice Social Skills Review by appSmittenWe’re so “smitten” about a recent review of our social learning software by appSmitten.

The team at appSmitten puts together handpicked, personalized app reviews. And they recently reviewed our social skills learning software. We’re very humbled!

If you haven’t checked out their site, here is the link:

Here is the appSmitten review about our social skills software:

The Social Express Practice social skills

Why we like it: Social thinking app based on the concepts of true experts

This app is in a class of its own when it comes to social skill development. It is made with beautiful animation and is interactive in nature. Kids interact with characters Zach and Emma as they ride The Social Express bus to town and learn 16 social lessons in 30 scenes along the way. Lessons include eye contact, listening with the whole body, being part of the group, managing emotions, among others.  This is a must have app.

Thanks for a great review, appSmitten Team!

appSmitten Team Reviews The Social Express


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