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Autism Software: Engaging New Way to Learn Social Skills, in Autism Digest

Our autism software is featured in the July/August issue of the Autism Digest print magazine! Being highlighted by this wonderful publication is a terrific honor for us! Autism Digest is focused on providing the latest in help for autism.

They titled the article about our social learning software: “Engaging New Way to Learn Social Skills”

According to its website, Autism –Asperger’s Digest provides helpful information for teachers, families and therapists who support children and people diagnosed on the autism spectrum.

From the Autism Digest article:

The Social Express has wrapped best practices for learning social skills into an exciting platform.

The Social Express is educational software designed to teach users how to think about and manage social situations, helping them to develop meaningful social relationships and succeed in life.

The interactive content teaches social skills as it follows characters through social interactions around town. The Social Express is based on best practices for helping children and young adults with ASD to learn social skills—and has wrapped them into an exciting platform.

The lessons build on each another to teach skills that include perspective-taking, understanding that others have feelings, and coping before an impending meltdown. It is designed to start discussions on social situations giving opportunities for parents to interact with their children frequently throughout the program.

We’re also excited because they told us in an email, that they “really enjoyed reviewing The Social Express”.

About Autism Digest

The company that publishes Autism Digest was established in 1996. Its founder talks about what an inspiration his son, Alex, had on him and the reason he started the company. Nearly everyone who works at the company, Future Horizons, has a friend or family member impacted by autism, according to the website.

This quote sums up their mission, from the Autism Digest website:

It is our strong belief that every child and adult with autism can improve and contribute to the lives of those who love them and, in many ways, contribute to society.

You can learn more about Autism – Asperger’s Digest at its website here:

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