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School Districts Pilot Web-Based Social Skills Program by The Social Express

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) January 31, 2013

The makers of The Social Express® are pleased to announce that three school districts in Maine and California have signed on to pilot their newest education technology in February 2013. These school districts will have early access to the upcoming Web-based version of the company’s well-received social skills learning program.

The school districts participating in the new pilot programs include South Portland, Maine; and both Encinitas and Solana Beach, California.

The Social Express, winner of the SIIA Innovation Incubator Award in Ed Tech, is an interactive social skills learning program. The Social Express targets core deficit social skill areas that stand in the way of school and life success for children and young adults with social learning challenges.

The newest program from The Social Express provides teachers and professionals with reporting summaries that are relevant to them. This internet-based interactive education technology tool aligns with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), an initiative that is already being implemented nation-wide in the public schools. This new feature of the program will make writing social skill educational goals and reporting on progress easier for all professionals working with their students.

The Social Express will continue to incorporate the best evidence-based social learning practices to help students improve their use of social skills across all learning environments. Students work on “hidden social keys” such as making eye contact, recognizing non-verbal language cues from others, and turn taking, to name a few. The new program enables school districts to offer all of its students and teachers an updated social skills teaching method that uses a single sign on and minimizes IT costs.

Tamara Green, M.S., CCC-SLP and Content Director for the company said, “The benefits to students, teachers and professionals using this program are numerous. We know how valuable social skills are to succeed in our fast-paced world. An unfortunate reality is that socially rejected and socially isolated children and young adults with social learning challenges are at risk for academic failure and social adjustment problems. We are dedicated to meeting the growing need for explicit social skills instruction. Our research-based program is influenced by learning frameworks and methodologies from experts in the fields of education, social communication and psychology.”

Green continued, “Our lessons target the skills necessary to being a good social communicator. Our goal is for children to become more confident in using their social communication skills and carry over these skills wherever they go. Through explicit video modeling, individuals learn how to make friends and keep friends.”

Teachers, administrators and school professionals in each district will access the new Web-based version of The Social Express from all desktop computers and laptops. No special software needs to be loaded on each computer. The new program retains the wonderful characters that users love, and offers the same interactive learning environment.

Professionals and educators piloting the new Internet-based program will use integrated tools to create custom learning plans individualized for each student. They’ll also have access to new content each month and the popular built-in teaching tips.

Since launching in November 2011, The Social Express has received worldwide support and heartwarming testimonials. Stories of progress and success have poured in from Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), behaviorists, educators and parents. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), ADHD, learning disabilities, and normally developing children have found help using the program.

The Social Express is an interactive video-modeling intervention for parents, professionals, educators and the children they work with. Those that have worked with The Social Express have come to appreciate the high-quality, Hollywood-style animation and socially relevant content. It not only holds the user’s attention without over stimulating the senses, but also provides learning scenarios that reinforce best social choices. Learn more about The Social Express by visiting: Twitter: @TheSocialExpres

About The Language Express, Inc.:

The Language Express®, founded by parents of autistic twins in 2010, is a privately held company based in Encinitas, California. The company develops The Social Express® and other interactive social skills software and learning management systems. The company’s mission is to help special needs children with social-emotional deficits to improve their lives. The company’s video modeling social skills learning programs help children with ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s, and related disorders to improve their interactions with others. Visit the company at

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