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How Our Social Learning Software Helps Your Child

Social-Learning-Software-Autism-Help-for-ParentsThe Social Express is a 16-lesson social learning software program designed to provide autism help for parents of children with autism, Asperger’s Syndrome and ADHD.

Autism Help for Parents

Children diagnosed on the autism spectrum do not learn the skills needed to be effective adults in the same way that other children without the autism diagnosis do.

Our program provides autism help for parents by making it easier for you to work with your child with autism between therapy sessions.  The Social Express helps you to reinforce the social skills that your child may be learning in classes or therapy sessions.

The Social Express introduces many skills that are needed for your child to become socially competent. Improved social skills may help your child with autism to make friends more easily.

Children with social learning challenges require direct instruction, with each facet of every skill broken down into small pieces. The Social Express addresses the areas of social skills needs by providing a highly animated, interactive and visual presentation.

Here are a few of the social skills included in our 16-lesson learning program:

– Being With the Group: Keep Your Body Facing the Group

– Pick the Feeling: Use Your Eyes and Brain to Figure Things Out

– Say the Right Thing: Talk About What the Group Is Talking About

How Our Social Learning Software Benefits Your Child

The Social Express is mainly developed to help elementary school age children with autism, Asperger’s and ADHD.  Here are three suggestions for working with the program:

Work through the program along with your child. It is best if you work with your child when using The Social Express learning software. Instead of letting your child interact with the program alone, it’s key to work through the lessons with your child. This way you can more easily reinforce social skills with your child between therapy sessions.

Pause the software to discuss what he or she is learning. When using The Social Express with your child, stop the software in between each lesson. That way you can discuss the social skill being presented by the program with your child. This becomes a “teachable moment” for you with your child.

Review each lesson with your child.  Revisit each lesson and allow your child to select the “wrong” answer. Then you can explain to your child what happens in social situations with other children when someone makes the “wrong” choice.

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