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Special Rates for Touch Technology Conference for Special Needs Children

If you’re a parent, professional, or educator who works children with autism or special needs, check out the first-ever Touch Technology Conference!

There are special rates until September 3, 2012. All you have to do is become a Twitter follower of @TouchTechExpo or Like them on Facebook.

Click here for more information.

Just a few more days! You must call to Get Special Rates! Here is their number: 636.244.3698

Or, you can purchase a ticket and attend via the Internet. See more about the virtual attendance options by clicking here.

10 Great Reasons to Attend the Touch Technology Conference:

1. Take part in the first conference of its kind, one that brings together app developers, professionals, parents, and special educators.

2. Learn about a variety of apps before purchasing them.

3. Understand the ins and outs of each app from its creator.

4. Use your tablet during hands on demonstrations. If you don’t already own a touch tablet, test-drive one on site for a $40 rental rate. This will optimize your learning experience.

5. Learn from professionals how tablets are currently being used in practices to benefit children.

6. Determine if touch-tablets are appropriate for your clientele or children.

7. Have personal access to all app developers from all over the nation and internationally to answer your questions by visiting our Exhibition.

8. Have personal access to local and national therapy providers and related service providers by visiting our Exhibition.

9. Collaborate with and educate app developers about the specific needs of your children/students.

10. I’ll see you there. I am a keynote speaker.

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